Mail or Drop ofF

Erin Imler

261 Patchway Road

Duncansville PA 16635

Office 814-693-0311

Cell 412-302-5219 

Pay by Check or Money order to Local 423

Drop ofF

Kim Armentrout

327 N Centre Street

Cumberland MD 21502


Monthly Deductions

Local 423 is going to offer voluntary monthly dues deduction. This transaction will take place within the first week of every month Journeyman $21.00 and Apprentices $19.00 and Early Retired $16.80. As a member it is your responsibility to contact the local of any changes to your dues status. (Example graduating from Apprentice to Journeyman.)

Below is the form you will need to fill out if you would like to start having your dues withdrawn out of your checking account on a monthly basis. This will not be mandatory but strictly on a volunteer basis. Typical forms of payments will still be taken. Please be sure to fill out all information required as well as providing a voided check.

dues. This process is being provided by AmeriServ Bank.